Michelle O'Reagan
Michelle O'Reagan is a visual artist currently exploring many media in the New Orleans area.  Her background is in painting and drawing and photography at colleges ranging from La Grange, Wake Forest, Rhodes and Louisiana State University.  At L. S. U., she graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts specializing in photography. She began experimenting with paper making at an early age and interest in non-silver photography drove her to create two and interesting types of paper to utilize in the pigmenting process.  She began book binding after checking out several excellent books at the Iron Rail where she currently sells some of her sketchbooks.  


Michelle's exhibition experience includes the National Figurative Works Competition in Florida, two features at the Dark Room Gallery in New Orleans, and participation in LSU's Union Art Gallery Exhibitions and Southeastern University Contemporary Art Gallery.  Her residencies include the Greater New Orleans Arts Mansion and Visual Arts Instructor with Young Audiences


A sample of Michelle O'Reagan's art can be found at: http://nueveauphotography.webs.com/portfolio.htm.



Dates/Times: Dates and times of next class TBA - please call or send us an email if you're interested in taking this course.
Level: Any
Class price $135.00
Materials fee $ 35.00
Class size: Minimum 4, Maximum 20