Instructor: Laurel True


Dates and times of next class TBA - please call or send us an email if you're interested in taking this course.

Description: Come spend a weekend making a mosaic mural! In this hands - on, weekend workshop led by artist Laurel True, students will work as a team to create a community mosaic project. Students will experience group mosaic-making processes through the actual creation and installation of an exterior mosaic mural. These skills can be used for facilitating future projects in their own communities.  


Workshop lecture will cover various approaches to community outreach and design development, sourcing locations and materials and recruiting and teaching project participants. Presentation will include information on multiple approaches to project coordination, management and creation, with a focus on creating permanent artworks specific to a community's needs, desires, location and circumstances.  


Class will focus on best practices for technical construction methods so that projects are durable, safe and long lasting. Technical resources will be included in class handouts. Students will come away from this fun and informative workshop with the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead and facilitate successful permanent projects that engage and inspire community.  


This class will be of particular benefit to artists who would like to explore community-based projects, teachers, community organizers and anyone interested in neighborhood beautification or community development through the arts.


Instructor Experience: Laurel True has been facilitating public and community mosaic projects for almost 20 years and has helped to provide job training and arts education to underserved communities in urban environments and developing areas. She has created hundreds of projects over the years, working with volunteers, assistants, students, trades people and artists of ages on projects that reflect a sense of community pride and cultural significance in the locations where they are sited. True has facilitated community mosaic projects in the Bay Area, New Orleans West and East Africa and Haiti.  


Level: Any, some mosaic experience helpful. Workshop participants should come prepared to work both inside and outside during class.

Class price: $250

Materials: Included  

Class size: Minimum 6, Maximum 10